We specialize in securing and managing funding and investment to ensure the financial viability of your projects.
Austerity’s support reduces risks for major developmental capital, and ensures that projects are developed to the highest standards: from a concept, to a financeable investment opportunity, to a proven operating business.
- Investing directly into early-stage projects which need our financial commitment and development expertise.
- Providing equity to close the financing gap and start construction.
- Investing into innovative solutions that need our support to scale-up or to pilot new products or enter new markets.
Investment and Funding Philosophy
Our directive and mandate are to “de-risk” risk capital by providing catalytic capital bespoke development expertise and crowd-in-private finance. We shall therefore not fund “investor-ready” projects whose capital can readily be procured from financial markets, private investors, and development finance institutions.
Our priority goes to projects with high economic and social impact, strategic import-substituting industries, and are commercially sustainable however lacking in development risk capital and expertise precedent to financial close.
Through our investment arm, we can also fund “brown-field” and growth infrastructure assets that are already commercial and need to scale up or restructure.
Despite the timing of our investment, we target to achieve a market return on our investment. Whilst we recognize that those who have invested before us have taken a greater risk, we will not subsidize the returns of others and would expect to match our partners’ return’s111 if they are investing capital at the same time as us with the same risk profile. As having the appropriate governance in place and working to international standards is important to us, we will also expect to have a credible and strong voice on the project steering committee (before incorporation) and/or Board
General Investment Criteria
Other Considerations
- Project Finance and PPP infrastructure investments with strong contractual structures, demonstrating the appropriate legislative framework and developmental impact.
- Predominant focus on energy complimented by other socio-economic infrastructure projects.
- Quality and track-record of the project sponsors, contractors, credit worthiness of the off-taker (in the case of Energy PPAs; capability of the concessionary authority (in the case of transport concessions), and the robustness of the contractual and financial structures.
- Investments in (Greenfield) projects, with strong potential of profitability but involving construction risks.
- Investments in (brownfield) projects, generating less profitability but already operating and generating stable cash-flows.
- Appropriate corporate governance rights and board membership in the project company
- Engagement with project stakeholders e.g. senior sponsor(s), EPC and O&M contractors, local funding institutions and (or) Development Finance Institutions to identify local counterparty risks.